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International Space University at Showcase 2030 held in Lausanne Switzerland

On 14 June 2022, the International Space University (ISU) attended Showcase 2030 held in Lausanne, Switzerland. The event is a unique event that brings together leading actors of the sustainable innovation ecosystem in Switzerland and beyond. It gathers impact-driven startups, leading researchers, professors, civil society, public sector representatives, and investors to showcase disruptive, innovative and entrepreneurial solutions that address the most pressing challenges of our time. As a multi-stakeholder action-driven platform, Showcase 2030 aims to harness the power of science and technology for the advancement of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Nicolas Peter Professor of Space Policy and International Affairs and Head of ISU Space Policy and Entrepreneurship Lab (SPEL) took part in a panel organised by Space4Impact during Showcase 2030. The panel on “Space Education for All” was moderated by ISU Alum Raphael Roettgen, Founder & Managing Partner at E2MC Ventures. Other panellists included Natália Archinard, Deputy Head of Science, Transport and Space Section at the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and Luc St-Pierre, Chief, Space Applications Section, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). The panel allowed to discuss the need for diversity and talents in the space sector to help the space economy grow.

Nicolas Peter stressed during the panel that “ISU has been for 35 years the place of interdisciplinary space teachings that equip the future generation of space professional with the skills needed to shape the sector and foster NewSpace but also support the UN SDGs”. The panel was part of the track “Showcasing the Potential of Space Technologies” and allowed to exchange of many concrete examples of the benefits of space technologies to many sectors and applications. Showcase 2030 was also the occasion to meet with several EPFL space start-ups and promote ISU.