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Register for the CASSINI Hackathon held at ISU! One Month to go!

From November 4-6, 2022,, the International Space University (ISU), its Incubator, and the Space Policy and Entrepreneurship Lab (SPEL) will host the French edition of the 4th CASSINI Hackathon. Along 9 other cities in 10 different countries across Europe, space entrepreneurs will work during the same weekend on topics linked to “Space for the Financial World”.

During the 4th CASSINI Hackathon, participants across Europe are challenged to reimagine the future of finance, insurance, and investments with the use? of European space technologies.

Three challenges have been identified for the theme of this initiative:

  • Challenge #1: Enabling green and sustainable investment
  • Challenge #2: Innovating financial tools and technologies
  • Challenge #3: Advancing global market intelligence

By attending the French edition of the CASSINI Hackathon at ISU you will work with ISU experts from ISU Central Campus andISU start-ups such as EwoSmart, on these topics.

Participants will also benefit from the participation and coaching from experts from ESA, Connect by CNES, the leading space consulting firm PwC, the leading French Space Venture Capital Firm Karista that manages COSMICAPITAL, the renowned rapid mapping operator ICube-SERTIT, and the broad ISU Community. Attendees will be able to benefit from their expertise on-site.

The winning teams of the ISU Hackathon will be rewarded with unique prizes that range from:

  • partial scholarships for the various of ISU programmes (MSS and SSP)
  • free registration for the IAC 2023 in Baku
  • access to ISU pre-incubation services in the ISU Incubator to help you to mature your project in a fast-track manner and launch your space business
  • future mentoring and coaching

Participants can register via this website.

Register before 27 October 2022, in 3 easy steps:

  • Register for free
  • Find a team
  • Solve a challenge on 4-6 November 2022 at ISU Central Campus and win!

We encourage participants from the whole of Europe to meet in Strasbourg and work on those challenges.

If you have any questions please reach out to