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Prof Nicolas Peter invited as expert at the Summer Academy of the German Academy of International Affairs NRW

Prof Nicolas Peter, Head of the International Space University’s Space Policy and Entrepreneurship Lab was invited as a space policy expert to take part in the Academy of International Affairs NRW’s Summer Academy in Bonn (Germany). As part of the Academy’s activities, it organized on 3-8 September 2023 its Summer Academy on the topic of “Outer Space Affairs – A Critical Key of International Politics”. Prof Peter was invited as a contributing expert and his presentation focused on “Europe in space: actors, activities, complexities”.

About 30 experts coming mainly from Science and Technology (S&T) and Foreign Affairs Ministries and Embassies, Space Agencies, Academia, Think-Tanks, from all over the world attended this year’s Summer Academy. Alongside Prof Peter distinguished experts such as the former Head of UNOOSA Dr Simonetta Di Pippo, the former ESA Director General Prof Jan Woerner, or the Space Attaché at the French Embassy in Berlin Dr Gilles Rabin shared their views on the development of the space sector and engaged with the participants. 

The Academy of International Affairs NRW is a leading organization dedicated to the global challenges and structural changes in international politics in the 21st century. The Academy promotes scientific and scholarly excellence and builds international and interdisciplinary connections and is a natural partner to ISU’s SPEL.